I used to make a ton of excuses for not doing the things I wanted and needed to be doing in my life. Procrastinating was always at the top of my list and calling myself lazy, too busy and uninspired were the excuses I used to justify my inaction. Does any of that sound familiar to you? It’s super frustrating to be stuck in a cycle of wanting to do things, but never getting your ass up to take action and do it. Ugh, even worse - I’d get motivated and start something (a new project, diet, workout routine) and then stop. Call me Ms. Start and Stop because that’s what I’d do for years and years of my life.
Then I realized t he ONE thing that was really causing me to be stuck. This one thing I lacked was the root cause of my stagnation, and it’s probably not what you think.
This lack of something was the source to other issues showing up in my life as well. I wouldn’t just procrastinate, but dedicated my time to helping others more than helping myself. I’d tell myself, “that’s the empathic and healer side of me - there’s nothing wrong with helping others.” It feels good to help others, doesn’t it? I believed focusing too much time working on myself and on my goals was selfish too.
Do you do that? You say yes to anyone and everyone else when they need your help and give so much of your time and energy that there’s never enough time or energy for the things you need to do for yourself?
Let’s talk about the other little demon snakes that spawn from Medusa’s head like hanging out or spending time eating, getting drunk or binge watching shows and movies instead of working on more productive activities. These are all caused by that same mysterious weakness I’m talking about. Wanna know what else can happen if you lack this trait or don’t have a strong sense of it? Well, you can have health issues or pain, have a sense of not feeling good enough, or blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in your life and relationships. You keep yourself in an endless cycle of situations that keep you unhappy and feeling like a prisoner to situations you want to escape.
We normally don't realize how we subconsciously tell ourselves that we're not good enough. Not only that, we don't realize how often the constant negative self-talk replays in our head. The more the old messages replay in your mind, the more ingrained the false beliefs become. But, if you strengthen this one thing that most people neglect or lack completely, your whole life can change instantly.
Alright, I’ll stop being so cryptic now. If you can relate to any of what I’m saying, you’re probably lacking or have a weak sense of this “thing.” If you REALLY want to know what this one thing is and learn the one greatest technique to strengthen and build it, click below for the FREE reveal. But, this is only for the people who really want to move forward, actually take action and DO this quick technique and finally stop being a victim to this undercover predator.
And for those of you who actually try this technique, shoot me an email at info@divineroothealing.com and tell me what your experience was like. I’d love to hear all about what revelations or challenges that may have come up and support you in any way that I can.